Friday, May 2, 2014

Interactive storytelling game

For my interactive storytelling game, I want to create a choice driven game of the experience of being in high school. The players would be given several choices on whether they want to succeed socially or academically, and the ultimate ending of this game would be whether the player would come out popular and heading to a good college, or flunked out and had no friends.  Examples of choices given to the player would be whether or not to go to a party Friday night or study for the exam you have the following Monday. If the player would pick to go party instead of study, they wouldn’t necessarily do as well on the exam as opposed to if they picked to stay in and study for it. Another choice the player might be given is to cheat on this exam AND go out and party. This way the player can gain social points but also succeed in their schooling as well. I was thinking that for some choices there could be a degree of chance involved, as there is with real life situations. For example, if the player did so choose to cheat on the exam, there might be a chance that they could get caught cheating, and given a zero on the exam. I want to the player to be fully aware of the choices they make and what the consequences of those choices are. Another big thing in high school is Prom. I think it would be cool if the player was given the choices of whether or not they would attend, who they would take, if they would drink beforehand, what parties they could get invited to depending on their social worth from their past choices, etc. In my opinion, I think this game is a pretty original idea, and can be related to anyone who has been to high school, which are most people in the US. This game gives the player the choice of what they want to do with their high school lives.

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